Company Identification
Basic Data

Short Guide - My Company´s Registration


This topic allows supplier users to visualize their company’s Basic Data.

Step by Step

1. By accessing the “Company Identification” submenu, the “Basic Data” section will be displayed.

2. In the “Basic Data” section, the following sections will be displayed: “Corporate Name”, “Group Name”, “Trade/Commercial Name”, “Country Tax Number (CNPJ for Brazil)”, “Company Type”, “Country”, “City”, “Company Address”, “Complement”, “Web Page”, “Box Office Code”, “State”, “Country”, “Number”, “Postal Code” and “Phone Number”.

In the "Data of the managers of the company" section it will be obligatory the filling of information of at least one company administrator. To add new administrators, click the "Insert lines" button.

Note¹: Items marked with * are required.

Note²: Only companies that are registered in Petrobras Brazil can edit the Basic Data, as long as they are with the “VISITOR” profile, after the mandatory fields, marked with an asterisk (*), have been duly filled in, and have clicked on “Confirm”, the Basic Data of the company will no longer be editable. For companies that are not registered in Petrobras Brazil, the data in the "Basic Data" section are not editable.